Posting once a week? Did I say that?!? Okay, I guess I did, yet here it is weeks later, and FINALLY I get around to posting...this after not posting for an entire year!!!!! Anyways, last week was our first week here in prek and what a week we had! Actually it was a FABULOUS week! My little sweeties are cute, sweet, and soooo little, just babies!! At the end of the year, my kiddies all seem so big, ready to head off to Kinder, and I just forget how little and baby-like they are when they come in the fall!!! Even though they are all four, they just seems so....young!!!
Before I get into our week, I wanted to post some pictures of my room, however, not much has changed from last year- different bulletin board colors, and that's about it! My room is teeny, teeny, tiny, and I don;t have a lot of options on rearranging my room - which drives me CRAAAAZAAY, as I am one that likes to change it up, and I just can't.... sooooo things are basically the same as last year... I guess I added/changed a few things on my calendar wall, and changed some things on the walls...but basically just the same...
Here is the view from my door straight into my classroom. Notice how loooooooong and skinny my room is?? Yeah, and the mauve colored ceiling- PUKE!!! And my daughter snuck in there too!
Here is looking to the left of the door- my art supplies, easle, closet...
Here is that same wall with the closet. The board with the stop sign is our Solution Board. Next to it is our Super Friend board, which is our behaviour management system. Above that is our PBIS board with our mascot Pedro the Snail. The crayon pocket chart holds the student's names, and I use it for small group instruction, and next to that is our classroom jobs board. You can see the corner of our calendar wall... Oh and how could you miss that little dino sitting there, our computer heehee And my daughters arm, there in the corner... |
Here is a close up of the Super Friend Board... I came up with this system last year and it worked sooooooooo well with my class...I had tried everything in the past, color cards, stop light, sticker charts.... this has worked the best BY FAR in my classroom... I hope I'm not jinxing myself and it works as well this year as it did last year... Each day of the week is a different color, red = monday, orange = tuesday ect.. (prek is only m-thurs) Each color has every child's name with velcro. Each day in the monring they are given a Superfriend (which is a little guy with a cape, on velcro) and they put it on their name. If they follow the rules and are a "superfriend" they keep it on their name. If they don't, they lose it. They are given chances to earn it back throughout the day. They need to earn 3 superfreinds each week, and then on Thursday, if they have at least 3, they choose from the treasure chest, which is filled with all the happy meal toys from my own kids' happy meals and other trinket junk I buy from the dollar store! They LOVE it! Also, We have a tally for each week- thats the colored squares that say week 1, week 2... If we earn at least 140 Superfriends by the end of the month, we have a Superfriend Party!!! This system has really worked great in my room! |
Another shot of my small group pocket chart and jobs chart. I just rotate the stars everyday and everyone has a job... |
This is our calendar. On the far left is our question of the week. I will ask a yes or no question and they come up and move their picture to the yes or no column. I usually ask 3 kiddies each day. Then we count up how many said yes, and my Teachers Helper puts up that number and we count the nos and they put up that number and we compare and put up the < or >. We have started the question part, but we wait a few weeks to start the steps! The rest of my calendar area is the actual calendar, the weather, and the green pocket chart with words that we will add to the word wall. My word wall is under the calendar. The big red pocket thingy holds my attendance, pointers, and other random things. The three drawers shelf thing has my cd player and cds, calendar pieces and more random stuff! |
This is a view from our carpet area right in front of the calendar, facing my desk- yes my desk is back there!! |
This is the wall opposite of our calendar. I made these bulletin boards from foam insulation, as my room had NO boards. I hang our PWIM poster on the red one and students work and other stuff on the big blue one. Our science center is on the left and our library is in the middle with the couch and our listening center. Our writing center is to the right. |
Here is another shot of the writing center, and our Star of the Week board. The shelf behind the writing center is our Math center. It is filled with puzzles, counters, manipulatives and games. |
Here is another look at our science center. I change out the stuff to go along with our studies ir themes. |
Here is our teeny tiny dramatic play area. Of course this is the favorite place to go and since it is so small I can only allow 3 friends to go there at a time...wish it was bigger, but we make the best of it! |
This is my desk/teacher area...yeah its pretty much still a mess...wish there was time to organize... |
Another view of my desk...actually it looks pretty clean in this one...can't say it still looks this good after one week with kids lol |
Okay, this ugly thing...I threw this thing together last year the day before school started.. I saw the idea on Pinterest and of course the one on there was so cute and crafty...It;s our 100 day count-down- bubble-gum-machine-thingy!! The idea is good, my artistic ability...not so much! Last year I just used little colored dot garage sale stickers and the kids added one each day until we got to 100. each day we would count the dots and the kids could all totally count to 100 by the 100 day of school!!! BUT it was a mess beacause the stickers were put on the machine in all random order-wherever the kids stuck them, as I threw it together last minute and didn't think it thru all the way, so I vowed to remake it better, the right way for this year...only I forgot all about it until the day before school started this year and so I had to reuse the same ugly machine, only I added velcro and cut out, numbered, and laminated 100 colored gumballs so they could be put on in order...only after cutting and laminating and cutting, I realized they wouldn't all fit on the white part- doh! So I had to put the velcro all over the danged thing...Anyways, its ugly, BUT it will serve its purpose and all my sweeties will again know how to count to 100 by the 100th day of school!!!! And when we finally hit 100 day we have a bubblegum party! Complete with bubble gum, bubbles and balloons! WHOO HOO!! |
Okay here is a picture looking towards the door, standing by the dino computer. The huge blue thing is my birthday chart.
Okay so that's my room, or at least that's what it looed like before my sweeties came...
I just realized how long this post is and I didn;t even share our first week! Think I better save that for another post! heehee
Check back tomorrow and I will share all the fun we had our first week in prek!